What are you in awe of? What is the ne plus ultra of your sensibilities? For me it is life itself.
Some feel the molecular pulsations of mineral existence. Others hear the liquids circulating through cellulose. For me it is the sentience of dust: the swimming, slithering, crawling, flying, and walking beings that crowd me, insinuate themselves into my thoughts and dreams, demand I interact with the best faculties and intentions of my species, of my personality.
Life is what we share; life is what we safeguard and better; life is what I contemplate as if there could be anything more grand, more mysterious, more tragic. And in those moments when we assemble to contemplate the destiny of the dust of which we are born and to which we return, true communion is attained.
If the only thing I'd ever know of you were those words, I would still love you forever.
Too kind!